IPv4 vs IPv6 Number of Addresses
IPv6 – 128 bits = 340 undecillion addresses IPv4 32 bit = 4 billion addresses
Continue reading →IPv6 – 128 bits = 340 undecillion addresses IPv4 32 bit = 4 billion addresses
Continue reading →Allow systems with selected ip addresses to relay email through Zimbra without needing authentication There are two ways to set and check this Global – applied to all servers set zmprov mcf zimbraMtaMyNetworks “ [fe80::5054::]/64 [::1]/128” check zmprov gcf … Continue reading →
If you are dork like me and like to see what is going on when your linux system boots (rather than a swirling circle) Excute sed s/rhgb//g -i.backup /etc/default/grub grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg and reboot Tested on Rocky 8
Continue reading →Installed a new dell server with iDRAC8 assigned a ip address to the iDRAC using the BIOS/Console interface Attempt to connect via https://drac.mydomain.com returns a web page with Access Error: 400 — Bad Request but you can connect via https://drac.ip.addr.ess … Continue reading →
Use nagios to flag major and minor alarms in Juniper equipment. These are events that will illuminate the red and yellow alarm leds on the front of Juniper equipment Insert the following into your /etc/nagios/commands.cfg file define command { command_name … Continue reading →
I wanted to make sure the certificate was working correctly on my mail servers. After a bit of digging around I found the following: Create a file named /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_mail_ssl #!/bin/bash ## Usage example: ./check_ssl_cert_expiry -h -p -w 90 -c 60 … Continue reading →
How to search sent/received e-mails from a particular email id through command line(CLI) Solution If you have a multi-server installation – do this on the logging server Search for up to 1000 emails UserA@example.com has from UserB@example.com $ zmmailbox … Continue reading →
I have a file like the following this thing that thing this stuff that stuff I want it to read this thing that thing this stuff that stuff To fix it cat file.txt | sed ‘N;s/\nthat/ that/g’
Continue reading →Systems affected: Fedora 37 – 40 Update It appears at times updates will reset the changes made below. So – I created a new solution Create a file named /etc/cron.daily/00LogwatchDetail and insert the following #!/bin/bash sed -i “s/my\s*\$Detail\s*=\s*\$ENV{‘LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL’}\s*||\s*0/my \$Detail = … Continue reading →
I had a minor problem with my nagios server – the clock got off by a few months. After correcting the clock, nagios would not check the status of any host for a few months because database said it wasnt … Continue reading →