Installing a signed (commercial) or self-signed SSL certificate in OpenVAS
Log in as root and create a directory named /etc/openvas/ssl
If you are doing a self signed certificate
cd /etc/openvas/ssl openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -days 3640 -keyout pentest.key -out pentest.pem
(answer the prompts)
If you are using a commercial SSL certificate
Copy the certificate and key files to /etc/openvas/ssl
Now – For both a self signed or a Commercial SSL Certificate:
Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/gsad and add or update the following line
OPTIONS="--listen= --port=9392 --ssl-certificate=/etc/openvas/ssl/pentest.pem --ssl-private-key=/etc/openvas/ssl/pentest.key"
Now execute
systemctl restart gsad
Some quick troubleshooting
If things are not working, look at /var/log/gvm/gsad.log
If you see:
Could not load SSL certificate from /etc/openvas/ssl/pentest.pem: Failed to open file “/etc/openvas/ssl/pentest.pem”: No such file or directory
you probably typoed a file name. Check the file names in /etc/openvas/ssl and the OPTIONS line in /etc/sysconfig/gsad
if you see
Binding to port 443 failed, trying default port 9392 next.
MHD: Failed to initialize TLS support
You may have a bad certificate (especially if you did a self signed certificate) or an expired certificate
Tested with running on Centos 7.7