Zimbra SMTP PCI Compliance
For Zimbra 8.5 and newer
Execute as the zimbra user:
zmprov mcf zimbraMtaSmtpdTlsCiphers high
zmprov mcf zimbraMtaSmtpdTlsProtocols ‘!SSLv2,!SSLv3’
zmprov mcf zimbraMtaSmtpdTlsMandatoryCiphers high
zmprov mcf zimbraMtaSmtpdTlsExcludeCiphers ‘aNULL,MD5,DES’
Within 2 minutes, zmconfigd will update postfix for you, and the system will be PCI compliant.
To check the current settings, execute as the zimbra user:
zmprov gcf zimbraMtaSmtpdTlsCiphers
zmprov gcf zimbraMtaSmtpdTlsProtocols
zmprov gcf zimbraMtaSmtpdTlsMandatoryCiphers
zmprov gcf zimbraMtaSmtpdTlsExcludeCiphers
See also: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 In Zimbra Proxy